Friday, July 25, 2003


This article in the Guardian sent me back to the early 1980s:

- Fred Perry shirts
- Winkle pickers aka bowling shoes
- gigantic green army overcoats
- Vespas
- The Jam, Pretty Green, Dreaming of Mondays
- The Specials, Mirror in the Bathroom
- Tie pins
- Drainpipe trousers

Monday, July 14, 2003

Malcolm Fraser

In the SMH & Age this morning, Malcolm Fraser on Australia's relations with the US:

"Do we really serve Australia's interests by such uncritical support and by such an apparent loss of our own sense of purpose and independence?"

Are we Australians kidding ourselves that we are a 'mature' nation?

Why do we have:

- A Prime Minister ready & willing to fight other countries wars?
- A Prime Minister who is ready to pass the buck to the bureacracy & unwilling to explain his role in the lies justifying the Iraqi war to the Australian people?
- A head of state who lives in another country?
- High taxation & a property break called negative gearing that's creating a property bubble?
- etc etc

Friday, July 04, 2003

Martin Munkacsi, inspiration & imagination

"to see in a thousandth of a second that which the ordinary person passes without notice – this is the theory of photo reporting. And to photograph what we see during the next thousandth of a second. – that is the practical side of photo reporting."

Martin Munkacsi

The photo of these african kids running into the sea sparked some fire in the imagination of Henri Cartier Bresson which inspired him to take up photography.

So much of our imagination has been abducted by the lure of consumption. We are losing the ability to find wonder in the small simple things & the value in being. Do people spend more time watching TV rather than looking into the faces of the people they live with?

TV = Other people's images tempting me to consume other people's things.

Media concentration = promotion of mediocrity, blandness, faddism & hype.

I have decided not to get a TV ... But I like the Sopranos, Premier League Football, BBC News ...

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Jessica & Rachel

I have put a photo of Jessica Lynch on my web site. This shot was taken when I was watching CNN in the Shangri La Hotel in Jakarta.

I can't find a photo of Rachel Corrie.

John Howard

Margo Kingston writes another fine piece about John Howard:

"And what is his agenda? In my view he wants to smash the "social contract" in Australia to smithereens. He wants to establish Australia as a US style democracy where people fend for themselves and save for their needs, including health and education. He also wants the US model of a corporatist state run by government in partnership with big business, where politicians and businesspeople swap roles routinely and big business finances the conservative party. And he wants Australia to divorce itself from the multilateral system of international relations AND become part of the American world.

But Australia would be a different place from America. We do not have a bill of rights, which in the United States keeps the Government and its powers in check. Howard would be much freer than the American president to trample our human and civil rights. He's already walked away from our multilateral human rights obligations, and stacked the High Court with judges antagonistic to incorporating our international human rights commitments into our constitution."

"As he screws the batters economically he caters to their nationalistic desires for an Australia safe from boat people and other undesirable immigrants. He gets them on strident nationalism in this way, while making us a client state to the United States in other, much more important, ways. He runs a strong anti-drugs line and socially conservative social policy to ease their fears of a society too complex to comprehend. His proposal on joint custody appeals to many conservative voters, and is a core platform of One Nation. He is keeping the battlers happy with social policy, while hurting them economically."